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        width: 50vmin;
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        width: 10%;
        height: 45%;
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      .eye--right {
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    <div class="dog">
      <div class="heart heart--1"></div>
      <div class="heart heart--2"></div>
      <div class="heart heart--3"></div>
      <div class="heart heart--4"></div>
      <div class="head">
        <div class="year year--left"></div>
        <div class="year year--right"></div>
        <div class="nose"></div>
        <div class="face">
          <div class="eye eye--left"></div>
          <div class="eye eye--right"></div>
          <div class="mouth"></div>
      <div class="body">
        <div class="cheast"></div>
        <div class="back"></div>
        <div class="legs">
          <div class="legs__front legs__front--left"></div>
          <div class="legs__front legs__front--right"></div>
          <div class="legs__back legs__back--left"></div>
          <div class="legs__back legs__back--right"></div>
        <div class="tail"></div>