
Published on
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      :root {
        --pov: 66deg;
        --day: 14s;
        --sun-orbit-progress: 0.7;
        --bg-color: #111;
        --orbit-sphere-color: hsla(260, 80%, 60%, 0.6);
        --orbit-line-color: hsl(260 50% 66%);
        --orbit-line-thickness: calc(0.1rem + 0.09dvmin);
        --orbit-plane-color: radial-gradient(
          circle at center,
          hsla(250, 70%, 75%, 0.025),
          hsla(250, 70%, 75%, 0.1)
        --moon-orbit-size: 12dvmin;
        --mercury-orbit-size: 24dvmin;
        --venus-orbit-size: 36dvmin;
        --sun-orbit-size: 48dvmin;
        --mars-orbit-size: 60dvmin;
        --jupiter-orbit-size: 72dvmin;
        --saturn-orbit-size: 84dvmin;
        --stars-orbit-size: 96dvmin;
        --number-of-bodies: 10;
        --circle-delay: calc(var(--day) / 3.97);
        --circular-ease: cubic-bezier(0.37, 0, 0.63, 1);

      :nth-child(1 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 0;
      :nth-child(2 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 1;
      :nth-child(3 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 2;
      :nth-child(4 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 3;
      :nth-child(5 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 4;
      :nth-child(6 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 5;
      :nth-child(7 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 6;
      :nth-child(8 of :is(.orbit)) {
        --i: 7;

      :nth-child(1 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 0;
      :nth-child(2 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 1;
      :nth-child(3 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 2;
      :nth-child(4 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 3;
      :nth-child(5 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 4;
      :nth-child(6 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 5;
      :nth-child(7 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 6;
      :nth-child(8 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 7;
      :nth-child(9 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 8;
      :nth-child(10 of :is(.body, .body-container)) {
        --i: 9;

      :nth-child(1 of :is(.body-container.galaxy .arm)) {
        --i: 0;
      :nth-child(2 of :is(.body-container.galaxy .arm)) {
        --i: 1;

      body {
        height: 100dvh;
        margin: 0;
        background: var(--bg-color);
        overflow: hidden;

      .universe {
        height: 100%;
        perspective: 50000px;
        translate: 0 -5%;
        position: relative;

      /* orbit line */
      .orbit {
        --enter-delay: calc(0.1s + var(--i) * (1s / 6));
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        width: var(--size, 30dvmin);
        height: var(--size, 30dvmin);
        border-radius: 50%;
        background: var(--orbit-plane-color);
        box-shadow: 0 0 0 var(--orbit-line-thickness) var(--orbit-line-color);
        transform-style: preserve-3d;
        rotate: x var(--pov);
        translate: -50% -40%;
        opacity: 0;
        -webkit-animation: orbit-appear 1.5s var(--enter-delay, 0.1s) forwards;
        animation: orbit-appear 1.5s var(--enter-delay, 0.1s) forwards;

      @-webkit-keyframes orbit-appear {
        to {
          opacity: 1;
          translate: -50% -50%;

      @keyframes orbit-appear {
        to {
          opacity: 1;
          translate: -50% -50%;

      /* orbit semi-sphere */
      .orbit::after {
        --cutout: calc(var(--size) / 2 + var(--orbit-line-thickness));
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: -75%;
        left: calc(-1 * var(--orbit-line-thickness));
        width: calc(100% + var(--orbit-line-thickness) * 2);
        height: 250%;
        background: radial-gradient(
          circle var(--cutout) at center,
          #0000 99.9%,
        border-radius: 50%;
        -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 100% 50%, 100% 100%, 0 100%);
        clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 100% 50%, 100% 100%, 0 100%);

      .orbit.moon {
        --size: var(--moon-orbit-size);

      .orbit.mercury {
        --size: var(--mercury-orbit-size);

      .orbit.venus {
        --size: var(--venus-orbit-size);

      .orbit.sun {
        --size: var(--sun-orbit-size);

      .orbit.mars {
        --size: var(--mars-orbit-size);

      .orbit.jupiter {
        --size: var(--jupiter-orbit-size);

      .orbit.saturn {
        --size: var(--saturn-orbit-size);

      .orbit.stars {
        --size: var(--stars-orbit-size);
        --orbit-sphere-color: hsla(260, 80%, 20%, 0.6);
        --orbit-line-color: hsl(260 50% 60%);

      .orbit.stars .star {
        --size: 8dvmin;
        --astronomical-unit: calc(
          var(--stars-orbit-size) / 2 - (var(--y) * var(--y)) * 14dvmin
        --star-x-delay: calc(var(--j) * -0.5s);
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1;
        bottom: -8%;
        left: calc(50% + var(--astronomical-unit));
        width: calc(var(--size) * cos(var(--pov)));
        height: var(--size);
        background: #fff0ea99;
        mix-blend-mode: color-dodge;
        -webkit-clip-path: polygon(
          50% 0,
          55% 45%,
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          55% 55%,
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          45% 45%
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          50% 0,
          55% 45%,
          100% 50%,
          55% 55%,
          50% 100%,
          45% 55%,
          0% 50%,
          45% 45%
        translate: -50% calc(-50% + var(--y) * 800%);
        rotate: x calc(var(--y) * 80deg);
        scale: calc(1 - var(--y) / 1.5) calc(1 - var(--y) / 2);
        transform-style: preserve-3d;
        -webkit-animation: star-rise-and-shine var(--day) var(--star-x-delay)
            infinite, star-move-x var(--day) var(--star-x-delay) infinite var(--circular-ease),
          star-move-y var(--day) calc(
              0s - var(--circle-delay) + var(--star-x-delay)
            infinite var(--circular-ease);
        animation: star-rise-and-shine var(--day) var(--star-x-delay) infinite, star-move-x
            var(--day) var(--star-x-delay) infinite var(--circular-ease),
          star-move-y var(--day) calc(
              0s - var(--circle-delay) + var(--star-x-delay)
            infinite var(--circular-ease);

      @-webkit-keyframes star-rise-and-shine {
        to {
          opacity: 0;
        93% {
          opacity: 1;
        91% {
          opacity: 1;
        89% {
          opacity: max(0.3, sin(var(--j)));

      @keyframes star-rise-and-shine {
        to {
          opacity: 0;
        93% {
          opacity: 1;
        91% {
          opacity: 1;
        89% {
          opacity: max(0.3, sin(var(--j)));

      @-webkit-keyframes star-move-x {
        to {
          transform: rotateY(-70deg);
        50% {
          transform: rotateY(70deg);
          left: calc(50% - var(--astronomical-unit));

      @keyframes star-move-x {
        to {
          transform: rotateY(-70deg);
        50% {
          transform: rotateY(70deg);
          left: calc(50% - var(--astronomical-unit));

      @-webkit-keyframes star-move-y {
        50% {
          bottom: calc(50% + var(--astronomical-unit) * cos(var(--pov)));

      @keyframes star-move-y {
        50% {
          bottom: calc(50% + var(--astronomical-unit) * cos(var(--pov)));

      .body-container {
        --inner-orbit: 0;
        --orbit-progress: 0;
        --sunlight-delay: calc(var(--sun-orbit-progress) * var(--day) * -1);
        --orbit-delay: calc(var(--orbit-progress) * var(--day) * -1);
        --inverse-index: calc(var(--number-of-bodies) - var(--i));
        --shine-delay: calc(
          (var(--sunlight-delay) + var(--orbit-delay)) - (var(--day) * var(--inner-orbit))
        --anim-body-reveal: body-reveal 1.5s calc(1s + 0.09s * var(--i)) forwards;
        --anim-body-index: body-index var(--day) var(--orbit-delay) infinite;
        --anim-body-shine: body-shine var(--day) var(--shine-delay) linear
        --anim-body-move-x: body-move-x var(--day) var(--orbit-delay) infinite
        --anim-body-move-y: body-move-y var(--day) calc(
            var(--orbit-delay) - var(--circle-delay)
          infinite var(--circular-ease);
        position: absolute;
        left: calc(50% + var(--astronomical-unit));
        top: 0;
        opacity: 0;
        translate: -50% calc(-50% - (50% * sin(var(--pov))));
        width: var(--size);
        height: var(--size);
        background: radial-gradient(
          circle at center,
          var(--color-1, darkgray),
          var(--color-2, #333) 60%
        background-size: 300%;
        background-position: center;
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        -webkit-animation: var(--anim-body-reveal), var(--anim-body-index), var(
          ), var(--anim-body-move-x), var(--anim-body-move-y);
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          ), var(--anim-body-move-x), var(--anim-body-move-y);

      @-webkit-keyframes body-reveal {
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      @keyframes body-reveal {
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          opacity: 1;

      @-webkit-keyframes body-index {
        49% {
          z-index: var(--inverse-index);
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      @keyframes body-index {
        49% {
          z-index: var(--inverse-index);
        to {
          z-index: 0;

      @-webkit-keyframes body-shine {
        to {
          background-position-x: -100%;

      @keyframes body-shine {
        to {
          background-position-x: -100%;

      @-webkit-keyframes body-move-x {
        50% {
          left: calc(50% - var(--astronomical-unit));

      @keyframes body-move-x {
        50% {
          left: calc(50% - var(--astronomical-unit));

      @-webkit-keyframes body-move-y {
        50% {
          top: calc(50% - var(--astronomical-unit) * cos(var(--pov)));

      @keyframes body-move-y {
        50% {
          top: calc(50% - var(--astronomical-unit) * cos(var(--pov)));

      .venus {
        --inner-orbit: 1;

      .body-container.earth {
        --size: 4dvmin;
        --color-1: #67aecb;
        --color-2: mediumblue;
        --astronomical-unit: 0%;
        --orbit-progress: calc(1 - var(--sun-orbit-progress));
        -webkit-animation: var(--anim-body-reveal), var(--anim-body-index), var(
          ), earth-night var(--day) var(--shine-delay) linear infinite;
        animation: var(--anim-body-reveal), var(--anim-body-index), var(
          ), earth-night var(--day) var(--shine-delay) linear infinite;

      @-webkit-keyframes earth-night {
        50% {
          box-shadow: inset 0 0 var(--size) calc(var(--size) / 5) #000b;

      @keyframes earth-night {
        50% {
          box-shadow: inset 0 0 var(--size) calc(var(--size) / 5) #000b;

      .body-container.earth .human-lights {
        --color: #fc07;
        --dim-color: #fc04;
        --px: 0.6em;
        --light: 0 var(--px) var(--color);
        --dim-light: 0 var(--px) var(--dim-color);
        --this-mad-city: 0 var(--px) #db709388;
        font-size: calc(var(--size) / 50);
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        display: block;
        width: 1em;
        height: 1em;
        translate: -50% -50%;
        border-radius: 50%;
        opacity: 0;
        mix-blend-mode: difference;
        box-shadow: -5em -16em var(--light), -4em -15em var(--light),
          -3em -16em var(--light), -5em -14em var(--dim-light),
          -6em -13em var(--dim-light), -3em -14em var(--dim-light),
          -2em -13em var(--light), -1em -18em var(--light),
          -1em -16em var(--light), -2em -16em var(--dim-light),
          1em -15em var(--light), 0em -15em var(--dim-light),
          2em -15em var(--dim-light), 4em -14em var(--light),
          8em -11em var(--dim-light), 6em -12em var(--this-mad-city),
          8em -8em var(--light), 7em -5em var(--light),
          4em -19em var(--dim-light), 8em -17em var(--light),
          1em -13em var(--dim-light), 8em -6em var(--dim-light),
          4em -4em var(--light), 17em -10em var(--light),
          19em -7em var(--dim-light), -1em -4em var(--light),
          2em -4em var(--dim-light), 6em -1em var(--dim-light),
          5em -3em var(--dim-light), 6em 1em var(--light);
        -webkit-animation: earth-human-lights var(--day) var(--shine-delay)
          linear infinite;
        animation: earth-human-lights var(--day) var(--shine-delay) linear

      @-webkit-keyframes earth-human-lights {
        50% {
          opacity: 1;

      @keyframes earth-human-lights {
        50% {
          opacity: 1;

      .body-container.earth::after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;

      /* continent */
      .body-container.earth::before {
        translate: -45% -40%;
        width: calc(var(--size) / 2);
        height: calc(var(--size) / 1.8);
        border-radius: 50% 100%;
        -webkit-clip-path: polygon(
          0 0,
          100% 0,
          70% 100%,
          30% 100%,
          25% 40%,
          3% 35%,
          0 30%,
          3% 10%,
          4% 0
        clip-path: polygon(
          0 0,
          100% 0,
          70% 100%,
          30% 100%,
          25% 40%,
          3% 35%,
          0 30%,
          3% 10%,
          4% 0
        background: linear-gradient(
          to bottom,
          palegoldenrod 30%,
          darkgreen 60%,
        mix-blend-mode: soft-light;
        filter: blur(0.1dvmin);

      /* clouds */
      .body-container.earth::after {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        translate: -50% -50%;
        border-radius: 50%;
        background: repeating-radial-gradient(
            circle at 50% 0%,
            #fff4 3%,
            #fff4 10%,
            #0000 11%,
            #0000 40%,
            #fff4 60%,
            #0000 80%,
            #0000 100%
          ), repeating-radial-gradient(ellipse calc(var(--size) / 1.5) calc(
                var(--size) / 6
              at 30% 90%, #fff4, #fffa 1%, transparent 3%, #fff9 5%, transparent
              7%, #fff4 9%, transparent 11%, transparent 100%);
        background-size: 200% 100%;
        background-position: right center;
        filter: blur(0.1dvmin);
        mix-blend-mode: hard-light;
        -webkit-animation: earth-clouds calc(var(--day) * 3.1) linear infinite;
        animation: earth-clouds calc(var(--day) * 3.1) linear infinite;

      @-webkit-keyframes earth-clouds {
        to {
          background-position-x: -100%;

      @keyframes earth-clouds {
        to {
          background-position-x: -100%;

      .body-container.moon {
        --size: 2dvmin;
        --color-1: #eee;
        --color-2: #333;
        --astronomical-unit: calc(var(--moon-orbit-size) / 2);
        --orbit-progress: 0.2;
        overflow: hidden;

      .body-container.moon .crater {
        position: absolute;
        top: var(--y);
        left: var(--x);
        z-index: 1;
        translate: 0 -50%;
        width: calc(var(--size) * 100%);
        height: calc(var(--size) * 100%);
        background: #0003;
        transform-style: preserve-3d;
        transform-origin: left center;
        rotate: x calc(90deg - var(--pov));
        border-radius: 50%;
        box-shadow: 0.1dvmin 0.1dvmin 0.1dvmin #fff7, -0.1dvmin -0.1dvmin
            0.1dvmin #0009;
        -webkit-animation: moon-crater var(--day) calc(var(--day) / -2.2) linear
        animation: moon-crater var(--day) calc(var(--day) / -2.2) linear

      @-webkit-keyframes moon-crater {
        from {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * -100%)) rotateY(-90deg);
        99.9% {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * 100%)) rotateY(90deg);
        to {
          z-index: 0;

      @keyframes moon-crater {
        from {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * -100%)) rotateY(-90deg);
        99.9% {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * 100%)) rotateY(90deg);
        to {
          z-index: 0;

      .body-container.moon .crater-1 {
        --size: 0.3;
        --x: 30%;
        --y: 20%;

      .body-container.moon .crater-2 {
        --size: 0.2;
        --x: 66%;
        --y: 55%;

      .body-container.moon .crater-3 {
        --size: 0.15;
        --x: 55%;
        --y: 40%;

      .body-container.moon .crater-4 {
        --size: 0.25;
        --x: 27%;
        --y: 50%;

      .body-container.moon .crater-5 {
        --size: 0.1;
        --x: 60%;
        --y: 70%;

      .body-container.moon .crater-6 {
        --size: 0.1;
        --x: 20%;
        --y: 40%;

      .body-container.mercury {
        --size: 2dvmin;
        --color-1: #eed;
        --color-2: #443;
        --astronomical-unit: calc(var(--mercury-orbit-size) / 2);
        --orbit-progress: 0.35;
        overflow: hidden;

      .body-container.mercury .crater {
        position: absolute;
        top: var(--y);
        left: var(--x);
        z-index: 1;
        rotate: x calc(90deg - var(--pov));
        translate: 0 -50%;
        transform-style: preserve-3d;
        transform-origin: left center;
        width: calc(var(--size) * 100%);
        height: calc(var(--size) * 100%);
        background: #fff7;
        border-radius: 50%;
        box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.2dvmin 0.02dvmin #0006;
        -webkit-animation: mercury-crater var(--day) calc(var(--day) / -2)
          linear infinite;
        animation: mercury-crater var(--day) calc(var(--day) / -2) linear

      @-webkit-keyframes mercury-crater {
        from {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * -100%)) rotateY(-90deg);
        99.9% {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * 100%)) rotateY(90deg);
        to {
          z-index: 0;

      @keyframes mercury-crater {
        from {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * -100%)) rotateY(-90deg);
        99.9% {
          z-index: 1;
          transform: translateX(calc(1 / var(--size) * 100%)) rotateY(90deg);
        to {
          z-index: 0;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-1 {
        --size: 0.1;
        --x: 35%;
        --y: 21%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-2 {
        --size: 0.15;
        --x: 68%;
        --y: 35%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-3 {
        --size: 0.17;
        --x: 50%;
        --y: 42%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-4 {
        --size: 0.12;
        --x: 22%;
        --y: 75%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-5 {
        --size: 0.2;
        --x: 37%;
        --y: 53%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-6 {
        --size: 0.16;
        --x: 17%;
        --y: 79%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-7 {
        --size: 0.13;
        --x: 18%;
        --y: 23%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-8 {
        --size: 0.17;
        --x: 83%;
        --y: 38%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-9 {
        --size: 0.11;
        --x: 60%;
        --y: 18%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-10 {
        --size: 0.1;
        --x: 42%;
        --y: 70%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-11 {
        --size: 0.14;
        --x: 75%;
        --y: 65%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-12 {
        --size: 0.2;
        --x: 86%;
        --y: 60%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-13 {
        --size: 0.15;
        --x: 76%;
        --y: 73%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-14 {
        --size: 0.14;
        --x: 20%;
        --y: 50%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-15 {
        --size: 0.17;
        --x: 27%;
        --y: 22%;

      .body-container.mercury .crater-16 {
        --size: 0.11;
        --x: 16%;
        --y: 73%;

      .body.venus {
        --size: 4dvmin;
        --color-1: #eed;
        --color-2: #553;
        --astronomical-unit: calc(var(--venus-orbit-size) / 2);
        --orbit-progress: 0.3;

      .body.sun {
        --size: 6dvmin;
        --color-1: #fb3;
        --color-2: yellow;
        --astronomical-unit: calc(var(--sun-orbit-size) / 2);
        --orbit-progress: var(--sun-orbit-progress);
        box-shadow: 0 0 1dvmin 0.2dvmin #ffd, 0 0 3dvmin 1dvmin #fa3;
        -webkit-animation: var(--anim-body-reveal), var(--anim-body-index), var(
          ), var(--anim-body-move-y);
        animation: var(--anim-body-reveal), var(--anim-body-index), var(
          ), var(--anim-body-move-y);

      .body-container.mars {
        --size: 3dvmin;
        --color-1: darkorange;
        --color-2: #750;
        --astronomical-unit: calc(var(--mars-orbit-size) / 2);
        --orbit-progress: 0.6;
        overflow: hidden;

      .body-container.mars .ice-cap {
        position: absolute;
        width: calc(var(--size) / 2.5);
        height: calc(var(--size) / 2.5);
        top: 0;
        left: 50%;
        translate: -50% -40%;
        rotate: x var(--pov);
        background: radial-gradient(circle at center, #fff8, transparent);
        mix-blend-mode: overlay;
        border-radius: 50%;
        -webkit-clip-path: polygon(
          0 0,
          30% 0,
          32% 40%,
          34% 0,
          60% 0,
          82% 60%,
          84% 5%,
          90% 25%,
          70% 27%,
          88% 30%,
          95% 70%,
          60% 71%,
          93% 76%,
          100% 100%,
          66% 66%,
          33% 90%,
          0 100%
        clip-path: polygon(
          0 0,
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          33% 90%,
          0 100%
        -webkit-animation: mars-ice-cap var(--day) linear infinite;
        animation: mars-ice-cap var(--day) linear infinite;

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        animation: mars-surface var(--day) linear infinite;

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        to {
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      .body.jupiter {
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              70% 68%,
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                var(--great-red-spot-height) / 2.5
              at 80% 60%,
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                var(--great-red-spot-height) / 2.3
              at 45% 63%,
          ), radial-gradient(ellipse calc(var(--great-red-spot-width) / 2.1) calc(
                var(--great-red-spot-height) / 2.1
              at 30% 36%, #fec6, transparent);
        background-size: 200% 100%;
        background-position: center center;
        mix-blend-mode: overlay;
        -webkit-animation: jupiter-clouds var(--day) calc(var(--day) / -1.2)
          linear infinite;
        animation: jupiter-clouds var(--day) calc(var(--day) / -1.2) linear

      @-webkit-keyframes jupiter-clouds {
        from {
          background-position-x: left;
        to {
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        from {
          background-position-x: left;
        to {
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      .body-container.saturn {
        --size: 5dvmin;
        --color-1: #cb9;
        --color-2: #531;
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        --orbit-progress: 0.1;
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          #1323 40%,

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          #0000 18%,
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        animation: saturn-shadow var(--day) -2s linear infinite;

      @-webkit-keyframes saturn-shadow {
        to {
          opacity: 0.8;
        90% {
          opacity: 0.7;
        to {
          transform: rotateZ(-1turn);
        43.5% {
          z-index: 0;
        43.6% {
          z-index: 2;

      @keyframes saturn-shadow {
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          opacity: 0.8;
        90% {
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        to {
          transform: rotateZ(-1turn);
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      .body-container.nebula {
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        --orbit-progress: 0.85;
        --part-width: calc(var(--size) * 30);
        --part-height: calc(var(--size) * 20);
        --center-size: calc(var(--size) * 40);
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        height: var(--center-size);
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        animation: nebula-stars-twinkle 3s linear infinite;

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            2.5dvmin -1dvmin 0 #fff4, 1.5dvmin 0.5dvmin 0 #fff5,
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        66% {
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            -1.5dvmin -0.5dvmin 0 #fff4, -1dvmin 1.3dvmin 0 #fff2,
            -4.2dvmin 1dvmin 0 #fff2, -1.5dvmin 0.5dvmin 0 #fff4,
            0.6dvmin -0.6dvmin 0 #fff6, 1.9dvmin -1.4dvmin 0 #fff4,
            2.5dvmin -1dvmin 0 #fff5, 1.5dvmin 0.5dvmin 0 #fff3,
            1.8dvmin 1.25dvmin 0 #fff4, 3dvmin 0.9dvmin 0 #fff7;

      .body-container.nebula .part {
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        translate: calc(-50% + var(--part-distance)) -50%;
        width: var(--part-width);
        height: var(--part-height);
        border-radius: 100%;
        filter: blur(0.2dvmin);
        background: linear-gradient(
            var(--part-bg-1) 15%,
          ), linear-gradient(
            to bottom,
            transparent 20%,
            transparent 80%,
          ), radial-gradient(circle at center, transparent 50%, var(--part-bg-3));

      .body-container.nebula .part.a {
        --part-side: to left;
        --part-distance: -20%;

      .body-container.nebula .part.b {
        --part-side: to right;
        --part-distance: 20%;

 * If you have come this far, you should check:
 * https://codepen.io/pavlovsk/pen/gpeYVN
 * */
      .body-container.galaxy {
        --size: 0.5dvmin;
        --color-1: white;
        --color-2: white;
        --astronomical-unit: calc(var(--stars-orbit-size) / 2);
        --orbit-progress: 0.35;
        --evolution-speed: calc(var(--day) / 3);
        --arm-thickness: 0.6dvmin;

      .body-container.galaxy .body-copy {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        background: inherit;
        border-radius: inherit;
        box-shadow: inset 0 0 var(--size) #5206;

      .body-container.galaxy .arms {
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        translate: -50% -50%;
        -webkit-animation: galaxy-rotation 5s linear infinite;
        animation: galaxy-rotation 5s linear infinite;

      @-webkit-keyframes galaxy-rotation {
        to {
          transform: rotate(1turn);

      @keyframes galaxy-rotation {
        to {
          transform: rotate(1turn);

      .body-container.galaxy .arm {
        position: absolute;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        translate: calc(-42% + var(--i) * -15%) calc(-42% + var(--i) * -15%);
        rotate: calc(var(--i) * 180deg);

      .body-container.galaxy .arm-depth {
        width: calc(var(--size) * 15);
        height: calc(var(--size) * 15);
        position: relative;
        transform: rotate(0.4turn);
        -webkit-animation: galaxy-evolution var(--evolution-speed) ease-in-out infinite;
        animation: galaxy-evolution var(--evolution-speed) ease-in-out infinite;

      @-webkit-keyframes galaxy-evolution {
        50% {
          transform: rotate(0.6turn);

      @keyframes galaxy-evolution {
        50% {
          transform: rotate(0.6turn);

      .body-container.galaxy .arm-depth::before {
        --arm-color: hsl(
          calc(245 + var(--d) * 20),
          calc(60% + var(--d) * 5%)
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        inset: 0;
        border-top: var(--arm-thickness) solid var(--arm-color);
        border-right: var(--arm-thickness) solid var(--arm-color);
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        filter: blur(0.2dvmin);

      .body-container.galaxy .arm-depth::after {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        width: calc(var(--size) / 4);
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        left: 50%;
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        box-shadow: 0.8dvmin 0 2.25dvmin 0 brown, -0.8dvmin 0 2.25dvmin 0 brown,
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          0 3.2dvmin 0.15dvmin 0 white, -1.3dvmin 3dvmin 0.3dvmin 0.1dvmin hsla(calc(302 -
                  var(--i) * 70), 50%, calc(64.7% + var(--i) * 10%), calc(0.6 /
                  var(--d) - var(--i) / 4)),
          -2.3dvmin 2.7dvmin 0.3dvmin hsl(250, 30%, 70%), -2.8dvmin 2.2dvmin
            0.3dvmin #fa78, 0 -3.2dvmin 0.15dvmin 0 #edf5;
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        animation: galaxy-stars-dim var(--evolution-speed) ease-in-out infinite;

      @-webkit-keyframes galaxy-stars-dim {
        85% {
          opacity: 0.6;
        75% {
          opacity: 0;

      @keyframes galaxy-stars-dim {
        85% {
          opacity: 0.6;
        75% {
          opacity: 0;

      .body-container.galaxy .arm-depth .arm-depth {
        position: absolute;
        width: 61.8%;
        height: 61.8%;
        bottom: 6%;
        right: 5%;
    <div class="universe">
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